Friday, March 26, 2010

45 Days

I looked at the calendar today and I realized that in 45 days I will be boarding the plane at the Cedar Rapids airport for a 2 day journey back to Mozambique. There are so many things to do, so many unfinished jobs that need to be in place before we go.

Yesterday my daughter shared with me that my grandson Koltyn 8, said he had the best day of his life ever! The family had gone to the airport to see President Obama's plane that brought the limo's ahead of time and they were able to see the plane being unloaded, a very exciting event for any young man. Then to top it off he was absolutely delighted that he got to eat supper twice!!

This event made me think of how much I will miss the daily conversations of my grandchildren. This event made me think about how the children that I love in Mozambique will never go any farther away from their home than they can walk. They do not know what an airplane is to look at it close up and personal. On most days of their lives, if they were never to change from what they are status quo, they will rarely have two meals in one day much less having two meals at supper time.

My goal each day is to be used by God and to remain obedient to His voice. Pray for Val and I for the next 45 days that we would be strong in the Lord, that our day will begin with singing His praise and that we will be wise in how we spend our last days here.



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rain! Rain! Rain!!!!

In 2006 I met Domingas working at the project as a cook for the pre-school. She never smiled, she had been oppressed, the poverty she lived in was something I had never seen nor experienced before. I can usually make someone smile but she was a hard one to get to react to my silliness. It was my friend Diane that broke her to get that smile we worked so hard at.

Domingas the mother of 3 girls, 1 son and 2 grandchildren. They all lived in a mud home. They sleep on grass mats. They eat rice every day that they have food, and on very very special occasions they will get beans and maybe chicken. When it rains they can not sleep, they have to stand up because the rains run through the house. The floors are mud and the roof leaks.

They have not been so lucky this year to only stand during the sleepless nights of rain. Two days ago, March 1st her house wall caved in. The front fell right off the house! Can you imagine this? Can you even think of having to stand while attempting to sleep when it rains? What about your children? Can you imagine the inside of your house exposed?

If you are reading this, you are one of my friends. We are blessed......... my friends. Are you even the remotest moved by this? Look around the room you are sitting in. Take in all that God has blessed you with. Think about what you have and what you do. Is God speaking to you at all? What is He saying to you? Please obey Him. Not for me. Please obey God. You will never miss the amount of money He is now telling you to send in. Donate now at click on project/Green Door or send in a check and put Domingas in the memo.

You will never be the same!

May God multiply your blessing for being obedient.