But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a ␣re, a ␣re shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. - Jeremiah 20:9
A Stronger Tomorrow!
My stay in Mozambique ended with a party that left me encouraged. It was the biggest baby dedication of the summer! Of the century! It was a time to celebrate the birth of Manuel and Ramizia’s long, long awaited Junior. Ramazia carried this baby for ten months!
This gathering represented a strong tomorrow for our loved ones here in Mozambique. It was a time of coming together to build the body. It was a time of reunion, celebration and communion with our King. People of all ages from five Ray of Light churches made up a good part of the 250-300 people in attendance.
Several cakes were served. We drank the traditional celebration drink, mahao, along with plenty of Coke and Fanta. ␣ere were many who came bearing gi␣s of clothes, blankets, soap, money, detergent and even a couple of chickens! These were gifts of love returned to a man and woman who have loved others unselfishly.
I first came to know Ramazia in 2006.␣I have watched her grow over the last four years and become the woman, wife and now mother, that she is today.
Being a part of her life is in part, the work that I do while in Mozambique.␣ Mentoring young women, being a mother to those who have none, and a friend to speak the truth of God's Word.␣␣Each morning I pray that God's plan will be the plan I follow and not my own. ␣␣thank you for being part of God's plan by helping me minister in Dondo.
In obedience,
My goal in the coming year is to train as many teams as possible before their 2010 trip to Mozambique.
I also will be working with a church in the Twin Cities. to provide a million meals for our project.
My prayer is that I represent our project and CRI well as I raise support for my return.
• Send and make checks payable to Children’s Relief International. Write Kathy in the memo.
• Or go to ChildrensRelief.org and click Donate. Look for Kathy’s name under Missionaries.
• Pray for me.
All donations to Children’s Relief International are tax-deductible.
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