I finally met Superman. You know, the guy that runs to the nearest phone booth, turns into the masked man and flies to rescue the city and fight for justice.
Superman works for us at CRI, and he is a Mozambican. He is every employer’s dream of a worker and every parent’s dream of a son. His name is Ercylio and he just turned 23 last Tuesday.
I remember the first time I met Ercylio in 2006, he was a tall, lanky kid that played sports and didn’t shower before coming to church. He was looking for a relationship with one of the young ladies in our church and was finding that church was something that he would have to attend to see his girlfriend. This turned out to be a wonderful change of life for him. He found a personal relationship with Jesus, a new purpose in life and has become a man of integrity and a leader of this community.
Just a few short 5 years, he has completed high school and is in his first year of university. In 2009 we had a doctor visit from America and could see the potential in this young man and chose to sponsor a scholarship to the University. This is a dream for many young men in Mozambique, but others will never experience because of the poverty here.
Why Ercylio is so special to me is that he sees his own journey in life as a blessing and wants the same hope for other young men. He currently is coaching a Handball Team of young men. This team has so much more going for them than just playing handball. Ercylio mentors them in how to live for Jesus by being the example. He prays with them before and after each game. He spends time with each of them to speak into their lives about how to be a man. Many of these young men do not have fathers in their homes. He gives part of his own salary to them when there are needs like paying for a month of school. He has been found to buy clothes for some and provides drinks and sometimes cookies on different occasions. He just loves them like Jesus.
There are now 22 young boys on the team and more want to be in his inner circle. They all love who Ercylio is and want to be mentored by him because they see someone they can trust.
Ercylio’s dream is to be able to start a sponsorship program for his team to take classes at Young Africa a Vo-Tec school down the road from here. He wants for them to have computer classes so they can start a computer business of repairing and teaching others how to use computers. Interesting isn’t it? To own a computer here is only for the very privileged or even being able to use one is not common. In America 2nd graders are now learning how to use computers and in many homes children much younger are playing games.
Ercylio has placed himself behind others, which has put him in front. He no longer has a girlfriend but his love is helping other young men become the best that they can be.
Another interesting and amazing thing about this young man Superman, is he has been asked to play Handball in the African Olympics in 2011. I didn’t know how really good he was at this game. He never boasts about his abilities because it wouldn’t be a good example to others. There are only two men in Mozambique that have been asked to be on this team. The other blessing is that he already knows the other handball player and they play well together. So in June and July of 2011 we will have to do our work without Ercylio here in Mozambique but we will be praying for his success on the Olympic Team. This is such an honor for us all here at CRI to have this fine young man working for us.
I can’t explain all of the things he does for us at CRI to make our jobs easier on a daily basis. He is our voice here and I am privileged to have this season in life with this young man.
Matthew 25:20, 21 “The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.' His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!”
WOW. That is absolutely amazing. I love being able to read this story, see the whole picture of this guy that certainly impacted me when I was there. Love to see him blossom. Reminds me how incredible one life can be when fully given to the Lord. Thank you.
Neat story Kathy...thanks for sharing it! God is doing mighty things!
How is little boy Batman?? Is he still around?
Jenn Joyce
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