The sound of singing could be heard from the gate walking into the courtyard of the church today. The Texas team offered a gift to the Food Pantry so it was distribution day today. 100 families in the project received 10kg of farhina, 1 liter of oil, 1kg of sugar and 3 kg. of beans. This should keep a family of 4-6 supplemented for about a month. Have you ever thought about how much food you eat in a month? There are so many times I can't even remember what I ate from one meal to the next or if I ate all day non-stop. Eating is so much different here in Africa, it is so much less, sometimes it is not at all.
I sat near the back watching the dancing and singing along with the tunes in 2 different languages. When the announcement had been made that the donors of the gift were sitting in the back, the Texans stood up and there was a loud roar of clapping and yelling. It made the tears well up in my eyes as they again started singing praises to the Lord for sending the Texas team to help them survive another month.
The women and men who received the food all have AIDS. They are victims of this disease. They are all without work and many times rejected because of their sickness. Many of them will not live until next year because of malaria or typhoid or pneumonia.
I have been told about 7 out of 10 people here have AIDS. I saw more men, women and children with AIDS today than you will see in a life time in America.
The last song of the morning before the food was hand delivered by the Texas team was, "The devil has lost again!"
Keep praying for us here in Mozambique. If you would like to help feed the poor, widows and orphans donate to our Food Pantry through Children's Relief International.
"If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." Isaiah 58:10
1 comment:
Wow. Again, thanks so much for painting a word picture for me. My "light and momentary troubles...." May you continue to feel God's loving hands around you guys and everyone you come in contact with. I praise God for the people He is bringing to Africa! Praying ~
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