As I entered the courtyard of the church you could hear the singing and sounds of joy coming from within the walls of the church. The words of this song was sung in one of several tribal languages, "We will meet him when we die." Many faces showing the gratefulness of knowing that for one more month there will be food in their homes during this time of famine. The voices were from the patients of Project Life. Project Life is one of the several projects of the Ray of Light Ministry that Children's Relief International helps support for people with AIDS. Pam Johnson from Wyoming has been a driving force in helping gather funding for this project to help a 100+ families with food, medicines and daily soup for those who are in the hospital dying.
Pastor Jeronimo's wife, Noemia stood tall with a smile and announced, "we have been blessed one more time, we have brother's who have come to visit us and bring us food." And then shared from James that every perfect gift is from above and it is God who has provided the food. All who were present heard the truth spoken and I pray that their faith was increased.
Zack Farrar new to Children's Relief International as part time staff serving at the Nutrition Center gave the message on the Triumphal Procession. He painted the picture of The triumphal procession, I could see the parade as he told the story of generals leading, then the enemies captured and beaten with the carts of plunder, followed by white bulls to be sacrificed, priest with incense spreading the smell of a sweet victory and then the king dressed in purple and white.
The story told was about the Romans, but our triumphal procession is with Jesus. We are always being led in victory, He leads us in life victorious over death. We are the one's who are responsible to share the victory message of Christ. The sweet smell of victory for the romans is the same sweet smell of sharing Jesus with those who don't know.
We have become the ambassadors for the poor, the widows and the orphans here in Mozambique. The food that was given was a combination of the rice from Wooddale church in Minnesota and
Lake Point church in Rockwall, Texas provided corn meal, oil and sugar. It was the work of these two churchs that will sustain life for one more month. One more month to speak the name of Jesus into their lives. One more month to sing praises of a risen King and to celebrate that His mercy endures forever.
If you would like to be part of Children's Relief International Food Pantry, or the Soup ministry please visit, to make a donation. There you will find also information about the other projects and ministries here at the Ray of Light in Dondo, Mozambique. Starting Monday, Pam Johnson will be assisting in the development of Basket Making for the Activista's of Project Life. The goal will be to help these workers become self-sustaining with their business to increase their salaries and to be a witness to the community of reaping and sowing.
Thank you for your prayers and support for us at Children's Relief International. We are taking Christ to the community and wherever He went, lives were changed.
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